Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 31, 2011 - Day 9??

In today’s episode, the role of JACOB will be played by Danny Ryan.

It’s 7:45. The bagels are relatively crowded. Michelle was sitting in my seat, but she moved over to make room for me. She moved away from Henry, of course. A MR. FORMICA can be spotted in the top left corner of the room if one looks carefully enough.

Olivia walks in.
Marty: Scott, say something, quickly!
Scott: Olivia. Lookin’ hot.

JV Dylan appears.
Marty: JV Dylan! Standing O, standing O.
Wimmer: Naw…

No one agrees with Marty and no one gives JV Dylan a standing O. Not even Marty.

The bloggers begin discussing Rashida Jones and how lots of people we know met her last night.

JV Dylan got a double yesterday! Congrats JV Dylan. Everyone should congratulate him by posting on his Facebook wall.

The Liar walks in.
Scott: Liar!
Henry: Hey, liar!
JV Dylan: Did you guys win your game?
JV Dylan: What was the score?
JV Dylan: We lost 11 to 9.
Matt: Thanks, JV Dylan.

Grey and Dazed come to the Bagels.
Scott: Oh, Dylan.
Grey: Oh my god. Math yesterday.

Johnny Korobkin walks in?
Marty: He wasn’t there.

I haven’t written anything in like 20 minutes. I am completely lost here. Something about Heilman. And Bitch School.

Shoutout to Cydney from Matt.

Henry: 2 minutes til Envi Sci.
Scott: Time for Envi Sci?
Herny: 2 minutes til time for Envi Sci.
Matt: It’s a block oh…fuck.


Henry: 1, 2, 3, 4! (Marty, Olivia, Michelle, The Liar)
Scott: You don’t see vertical stripes too often.

They leave for Envi Sci.

--M.S. and S.B.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30, 2011 - Day 8?

Marty puts a book on the table: In My Hands by Irene Gut Opdyke. Opdyke. That's a badass name.

Matt: The bagels look so good today.
Scott: Write that down.
Henry: Scott, we can't have any of this.
Scott: I'm gonna get some tea.

It's 7:40. Henry, Matt, Scott, Marty, Michmac, and Kendria are sitting around their usual table. Except that Kendria doesn't usually sit there. I don't know. I don't come here that often anymore.

Henry will not give Kendria his iPod.
Henry: No!
Kendria: You think you're funny, but you're not.
Scott: Bakingtons!
Marty: Ok, I'm gonna get a bagel and some tea.
Henry: Lemon Lane? Do they still have Lemon Lane?
Marty: No.

While Marty leaves, Scott begins to blog
Kendria: I <3 Mac Miller.

Let's take a look at the outfits today. Matt's is pretty good. Henry, a little too casual. Michelle, badly dressed. Kendria, not great.

Matt: Dylan!
Scott: JV DYLAN????????

Dylan is wearing an oakley sweatshirt, not very well dressed.

Scott: Dazed!
Henry: Oh, lookin' dazed!
Marty: Dazed.

JV Dylan discusses his past life as a pitcher.

Scott: Hey look, Hannah's coming.
Kendria: She's back from Sanibel.
Scott: Hello!
Hannah: Hello!
Henry: Hello!
Hannah: Hello!

They introduce JV Dylan to Hannah
Henry: Two apples!
Hannah: One for lunch.
Scott: Dylan, how many bitches since yesterday.
JV Dylan: I'm not answering that question.
Scott: 8?
Henry: I heard 8.
Scott: I'm gonna tweet that later.

LOOK OUT FOR SCOTT'S TWEET! (Follow me on twitter @ravinator11)

Marty: So, has anyone had any good dreams lately?
Henry: Oh my gosh, I did! So, I think it was - I don't know what school trip, but it was like a school trip, and Ms. Glines and Coach Williams - Scott:
Olivia walks in flirtatiously, showing off all her curves.
Henry: At this time, I'd like to give a shout out to Johnny Korobkin. So then, we were at a restaurant having lunch, and Sideways came on the radio, and all the Alpha Males started singing their parts, and all the waiters and staff loved it, and told us to sing another song, and we sang like a T-Pain song or something and they were all rocking out, and then we sang Keep Your Head Up, and Coach Williams and Ms. Glines came out and made a dance for it and I remember Coach Williams going like this (He demonstrates) - it was so funny.
Scott: Olivia, you look nice today.
Olivia: Thanks.
Henry: Ooh, I agree.
Hannah: She said flirtatiously.
Matt: Look at they way she's eating that bagel.

Henry makes a noise with his mouth.

Michelle: Stop!

The loiterers enter. Surprisingly, they don't loiter.
Matt: Don't loiter.
Henry: And don't lie!

Matt looks like he really wants to sit next to Olivia.

Hannah: I like the new addition of Dylan. He adds a lot to the conversation.

Scott and Henry shake their fists at the loiterers. Will enters. Claire enters to boos. Zach enters to a standing O, but fails to give a speech. The bagelers debate J Crew vs. Crate and Barrel. Johnny shows up in the hallway and everyone yells for him. Scott leaves to get him, but returns without him.
Scott: He was like, I can't do it, I can't handle the pressure.
Henry: Noooooo!

Nobody leaves.

Shoutout to Sam Mulroy, if he is reading this.

Henry: He's probably not reading this.
Scott: He definitely read it last time.
Claire: Scott, I think the consensus is Crate and Barrel.
Marty: Claire, shut up, you're wrong.

JV Dylan gives Golden a standing O. FOLLOW GOLDEN @PRETTYLILTHANG

Scott: I think it's that.

Jordana enters to boos. JV Dylan leaves.
Marty: Well.
Henry: Time for Envi Sci.
Marty: Is it time for Envi Sci?
Scott: Yup.

And so it begins. Again. --Marty and Scott